Fognet Blockchain Structure

Explanation of Fognet Blockchain Technology and Its Features

Fognet has implemented a new blockchain system to achieve high-speed processing capabilities. By adopting the Ethereum system for user convenience and the Tendermint project's concept for relatively free speed improvement, these codes were re-coded into C++ to ensure hardware compatibility. The most critical areas causing bottlenecks in processing speed were then implemented on FPGA chips through a separate blocking process. This enabled physically thousands of times faster speeds. Unlike CPUs, which can run as many processes as their core count, FPGAs can connect thousands or tens of thousands of processing cores in parallel, significantly improving processing speed. This allowed for parallel processing of encryption, decryption, and DB operations on a single chip, achieving high-speed blockchain.

On this high-speed blockchain, a messaging platform was built, processing all conversations and files exchanged by users in real-time through blockchain creation and encryption/decryption. Additionally, the same blockchain platform supports coin payments and NFT transactions.

For example, the "Click" service being built within the ecosystem utilizes Fognet's blockchain technology to offer a media blockchain service where users can safely consume and share content. By using Fognet blockchain technology, it can verify the originality and copyright of videos posted on the "Click" service, ensuring that uploaded videos are original and preventing copyright infringement, guaranteeing the authenticity of the content.

Services built on the Fognet technology-based ecosystem will be established as more trusted platforms. The fast processing speed and secure data management capabilities of Fognet blockchain technology will play a crucial role in the growth of ecosystem services like "Click."

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